Monday, January 11, 2010

Week’s Five & Six: Honaker’s Road to Boston

So sorry I am behind on the updates. Here is what Chris has been up to as far as mileage for the last two weeks.

Week 5:
M- 10.5
T- 13.2 (med-long) and then 3 recovery
W- 9.1
Th- 11
F- 6.3
Su- OFF (first day off in over 50 maybe 60 days)
Total- 71.4 miles

Week 6 (cut back week):
M- 9
W- 5
Th- 10.2
S- 16
Total-63.8 miles

The weather conditions have just plan sucked, but he keeps on plugging away. This coming weekend Chris will take part in a Columbus Running Company winter tradition called the Frigid 5k series (two races two weeks apart times get averaged). It is about as cross country as you might get in the middle of the winter, and tends to be ran in top of packed snow (which we have plenty of). It should be interesting to see how this goes.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I am eager to start training for a race again so I can see my mileage increase. Seeing your weekly mileage makes me jealous. lol :-)