Monday, August 25, 2008

Bye, Bye Olympics, Hello Democratic Convention!

Sunday night the Olympics came to a close, but what an amazing games it was. I don’t know if it is because I am getting older, but this Games for me was amazing (and that is hard to say since 1996 I bald like a baby as USA Gymnastics won Gold and Bela Karolyi said good-bye as head coach).

I never thought I would put any sport above my beloved gymnastics, but Michael Phelps converted millions of people into swimming fans (or Michael fans). It does not matter to me what “Greatest” title he is given in the history books, just make sure he is given something and that his amazing accomplishments go down in history.

As for my most loved sport, gymnastics, all I can say is how excited I was to watch both men's and women's teams give it all they had. Despite injuries (and wow where there a lot) both teams showed the world what fighters they were. Next to Michael Phelps 8 races for the gold, the showdown between Nastia Luikin and Shawn Johnson made this year’s Olympics for me. Both gymnasts have such different styles, that it was impossible for me to pick a favorite. So with each going head to head the best I could cheer on was for them to go 1-2. It was amazing to watch.

Finally, I could not post about the Olympics without mentioning the marathons. Since running has taken over as the most popular activity in our household, the Olympic marathon was a must see, and what an event to watch. The men ran so hard and fast for all 26.2 miles, it was amazing!

From the Olympics to the DNC ’08, the month of August is a busy month. Tonight kicks off the first night of this historic event. Be sure to check out the speakers each night until Thursday, when Barack Obama will formally accept the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. Regardless of what party you favor (or not favor), this is a historic occasion that no American should miss. Tonight Michelle Obama introduces her husband to the world, and recent news reports indicate that Senator. Kennedy may be making a special appearance.

On a personal note, my husband Chris completed his longest run thus far, 10 miles on Saturday. Note to anyone else that decides to take such craziness on. Make sure to have plenty of filling food in the house, Chris ate anything that wasn’t tied down after completing that run.

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